3V0949.01 Roles involving three people: (correcting me about Gretchen)
I no longer recall the detail of this incident. What is important is
development of the role-expansion theme from two to three
characters. Note that Peggy only has trouble with the third person
possessive pronouns (and adjective also). She has trouble — as will be
witness below in relating the situation of a second actor to a person
addressed. We don’t want to lose any more material of this sort, where
we can see Peggy working out the linguistic relations for expressing the
interactions of three people.
text above written 9/23/80 under this comment:
I feel I have been neglecting notes about Peggy as I strive to finish
“The Articulation of Roles” and produce something of value for the
NSF documentation effort. Let us try to recover some of the material
weakening in my memory.