Building Our First Home
My family called our home by the prentious title “Cedar Hall” because we all enjoyed the stories of “Mr Toad of Toad Hall” in “The Wind in the Willows,” and because, like him, the kids and I enjoyed driving in the town and country in our little red sports car. Of course, the house was, as you will see, constructed of solid timbers, bought as a package from George Justus, owner of “Solid Cedar Homes,” in Tacoma Washington. I modified the original design so that it looked less like a Swiss Chalet and more appropriate for New England.
How Could I Afford to Do This? Was I rich ? Not at all.
Here’s the story, if you’re interested. (NAY)
Dedicatory Poem: burned in the wood mantle above the living room fireplace
And needed helps of friends.
Memento be, a friendship house,
Past days when friendships end.
The Site: At the Guilford Lakes, near New Haven, Connecticut

The Foundation:

Basement Walls:

Pillars and Beam for a porch:

Drains: within basement, east end

Drains: within basement, west end

Drains: within basement, plastic ground water shields

Drains: within basement, spreading concrete over plastic ground water shields

Drains: curtain drains, around the foundation perimeter

Drains: tar and plastic ground water shields for underground basement

Materials: western red cedar, from Solid Cedar Homes, Tacoma Washington

Materials: the load was humped crossing the country

Materials: on the building site, under a week of rain

Walls: “Lincoln Logs” for grown-ups. (Thanks to Frank Lloyd Wright!)

Walls: “first storey in place

Walls: starting the second storey

Walls: with helper, R. O. Despain

Walls: second storey living room balcony

Walls: exterior view of half-complete second storey

Walls: closing a high living room window

Walls: helper Tom Hammond looking down from living room second storey

Walls: Bob, completing the living room roof peak

Walls: placing second storey living room rafters

Walls: the finish course, topping the walls

Rafters: bed-room spanning rafters

Rafters: rafters span second bed-room; helper Bill Bates

The Roof: 2 x 6 tongue & groove cedar in place to close the roof

The Roof: audience for roof closing, August 12, 1969

The Roof: R43 insulation kept snow on the roof through winter

The Roof: a bundle of shakes on the roof

The Roof: block and tackle for lifting shakes to roof

The Roof: removable roof section for access to roof and chimney

Utilities: beyond the reach of water and sewer pipes

Utilities: drilling the well

Exterior Views: more to follow . . .

Inside: more to follow . . .

Inside: Rob, Bob, Miriam, with a Christmas Tree planted years before

Inside: bookshelves on the balcony over the living room

Inside: Rob entering from the second storey porch

Exterior Views: the screened and open porches

Exterior Views: the completed house

Exterior Views: un p’tit coin d’paradise