
Peggy Study, Panel P149 Themes: Object Exploration, Reading, Letters Source: (Lawler); date: 11/30/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Bob reading & singing Peggy’s favorite book; significant skill in nesting-cup insertion;alphabet song. P149A 1-1 Correspondence, 20mb P149B1 Reading Town-O, 16mb P149B2 Reading Town-O, 22mb P149C1 Standard Objects, 21mb P149C2 Standard Objects, 18mb P149D Letter Desk, …

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3V1049.06 Finger Counting: 1-1 correspondence, up to 2 (12/6/80) no further content.


3V1049.05 More complicated verbs: “could” used correctly () Today for the first time, I heard Peggy use the form “could” correctly. Gretchen


3V1049.04 Letters and words: “P” is no longer /peggi/ by itself (12/8/80) Peggy had me read “Letters, Sound, and Words.” When we came to the page for the initial consonant P, Peggy pointed to it and said “P is the letter in Peggy.” Gretchen


3V1049.03 Holophrastic verbs (12/6/80; see also 12/1, 11/20, 11/22) The most common use is “put” and “take”. Today I scolded Peggy about something minor. Instead of crumpling into tears, Peggy (who was standing beside my chair) merely ducked her head a bit and said “Hide!” Others [heard]: run, run away. Gretchen


3V1049.02 Put Me in the Zoo: tracing words in the title (12/6/80) Peggy has discovered this book and I have read it to her, perhaps half a dozen times at most. When I read the title, I point to each word. Today, Peggy was in my lap requesting I read. She put down the book …

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3V1049.01 Finger counting: [I want fifteen childs] (12/6/80) Asked if she thought it would be nice to have a baby, Peggy held up her hand and said, “I want a baby. a boy, and a girl.” holding up a finger for each. We tried again, “Peggy, the baby will be a little boy or a …

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3V1046.01 Jumping jacks: analogy (12/3/80) Playing with the fire tongs, Peggy held them vertical and opened and closed them a bit, bouncing them off the floor. “Tweezers [tongs] are doing ‘jumping jacks’.” Comment in passing: “I think bears piss in the woods.” Noted by one of the children: Peggy at her toy telephone: “Doctor, come …

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3V1044.02 Position and relative names: up and down (12/1/80) Peggy comes with me when I take Scurry for an exercise walk. Going along North Madison opposite the old golf course, she moves up onto the lawns of the houses. Today she pointed out “I’m up…You’re down.” Sometimes she varies it “I’m high.” Gretchen


3V1044.01 Despair: sparseness of observation (12/1/80) Despair over how sparse and inadequate our observation has become. Neither Gretchen nor I now seems to note or later describe those behaviors we might judge to be significant. This last month is almost another hiatus in the corpus. If we don’t do better, we should close out the …

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3V1043.03 Singing “nonsense” (11/30/80) Peggy overheard singing to herself. “King king kong kong” Bob interpreted this as coming from the cards [king, queen] as Robby and Miriam had been playing and sorting out a deck. Gretchen.


3V1043.02 Shooting Monsters (22/30/80) Miriam was in the basement watching King Kong on TV. Peggy came into the living room and told Robby there was a monster. He drew out his gun and undertook shooting all the monsters. Peggy was not content with this form of their game. She wheedled the gun from Robby and …

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3V1043.01 Singing “offstage”: The Fox (11/30/80) I tried to get Peggy singing “The Fox went out on a chilly night” during P149 today. She refused. But this evening, alone in a chair in the living room while the rest of us were there but otherwise occupied, Peggy began reading/singing the story. She did fine at …

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