3V1084.01 Counting Irregularities (1/10/81)
Peggy “counts,” ie. recites the number names in a quasi-standard
fashion. (omitting “seven” more often than including it.) Although she
has put objects in one to one correspondence, she has not done so
successfully in the standard sense. She counted on her fingers today
showing no non-standard variations. First she counted on her fingers,
at some point reciting several number names before going on. She
stopped (was there here a global criticism that she didn’t have twelve
fingers on one hand), she started again at the number three.
I believe (1/25/81) she is very close to being able to apply the number
names to objects in the standard fashion. Today, P157 (i.e. 3;0;2) we
want to try finger counting.
I believe (1/25/81) she is very close to being able to apply the number
names to objects in the standard fashion. Today, P157 (i.e. 3;0;2) we
want to try finger counting.