3V1071.06 Reading words (a few days ago): instruction in 1-1 correspondence (12/28/80) A few days ago, Peggy wanted me to read “Babar Saves the Day.” We sat down and looked at the cover. Peggy sort of waved her hand around and said, “Babar Saves the Day.” I repeated the title to each word as I …
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3V0772.01 Plan for Reading list: March 3rd-April 4th,1980 record located in notes near August 28, 1980: This reading list will be first set up as a spread sheet then modified for insertion in this file and copied to it. (roughly 160 entries) not clear that this plan was ever completed. (RWL, March 2011)
3V0484.01 Observation Hiatus while thesis completed. (5/21/79) Completing my thesis on time for this semester’s graduation has been a primary disaster for the natural observations of Peggy’s development. I regret this lost material profoundly, and fear that it is from the period of development which would have been most illuminating about subsequent appearances of order …
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Vignette 30.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
3V0377.01 Neat phenomena and instruction: An Ale Bottle — (2/03/79) Peggy has long had the habit of carrying ale bottle. We separate glass trash for recycling and Peggy has long been able to careen over in her walker, select one she likes, and continue charging about the ground floor waving her prize. She usually puts …
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3V0321.01 Peggy Walking Solo, with tea table as crutch (12/09/78) Last night the entire family sat in the living room. Gretchen searched through old files to locate our Encyclopedia Brittanica futures contract; I worried about why the fireplace was smoking (a backdraft through the still open bedroom fireplace chimney). I don’t know — none of …
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3V0138.03 Siblings Playing with Robby and Miriam: 6/9/78, 4, 18 text recovery needed for this vignette
3V0126.01 Nursing: socialization and vocalizations; “owl cup” fascination 05/28/78 text needs to be recovered from earlier documents