
PG11B3: New Method, 18mb

PG11 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, R W Lawler, 10/1/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Bob; Mom on camera.
Episode A: Bob: I’ve got four fingers here. Now watch. Watch this very closely. You’ve got nine. Put them down. I won’t even count. I’ll just say nine. You’re watching? Nine, 10, 11, 12, 13. Is that right?
Peggy: [laughing] It’s 31.
Bob: Yeah, wow. [reorders numbers] So the 9 plus 4 is 13. Now, Peggy.
Peggy: Yes?
Bob: Did you notice that I did something very different, very strange?
Peggy: Yeah.
Bob: What did I do that was strange? Well, there was 9 and then 4.
Peggy: Nine. [holding up fingers].
Bob: And then four. And what I did, now, listen, can you do what I did? Can you repeat what I did? Can you solve that problem and get that answer?
Peggy: [begins moving magnetic numbers].
Bob: Well, we can just put it out of the way. But can you do what I did?
Peggy: [holds up 4 fingers, counts silently, shakes head “no”].
Bob: That was beautiful. That was beautiful. Now, what you were saying to yourself there, I believe, was I’ve got nine fingers. Now, I’ll put those down, and then I’ve got four more. Okay? Is that what you were doing?
Peggy: [shakes her head in agreement].
Bob: That was beautiful. You almost had it. Now, when you have nine fingers and you put them down, you say nine, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Peggy: 14
Bob: But we were only doing the four.
Episode B: Bob: Now, let me ask you to try a problem, okay? We’ll take this eight, and we’re going to make it not so hard. So we’ll say eight plus, let’s say we’ll make it eight plus three. So you’ve got eight that you can put down.
Peggy: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay, put those down.
Bob: No? A little confused? Okay, now watch me do it. I’ve got eight fingers. Eight fingers? Yeah. And I put those down and I say eight. And that takes care of the first eight. So I say eight…
Peggy: And I put up three.
Bob: And put up three, so that’s eight, nine, ten, eleven.
Peggy: Eleven again (??).
Bob: You doing okay, Katie, m’dear? [picks her up]
Episode C: Peggy: I’m going to put up two nice fall colors.
Bob: Okay, that’s real good…
Bob: Do you think that’s a good trick that I was just showing you?
Peggy: I’m going to put them in. [extraneous piece] That doesn’t go here.
Bob: Right. I got that. That’s in the wrong collection. We’ll put it over here.
Peggy: When you put in all the colors, you’ve got a pile (?).
Bob: It’s clear we’re going too fast, right?… Well, Peg,
Peggy: Yeah.
Bob: Let’s say that eight plus three problem. Can we do that with you borrowing my fingers instead of that other tricky way I was showing you?… Well, okay, we don’t have to. I just thought you might want to do it in a way you could make it work by borrowing somebody else’s hands.
Peggy: Fingers.
Bob: Fingers, okay.
Mom: You can keep the palms.
Bob: Do you want to do any more of this number stuff, or shall we look in this little dictionary here, the sounds and letters? You were looking for a train, wasn’t it?
Peggy: Let’s look in the book.
Bob: Okay, let’s shut off [the camera]..
Episode D:
Link Index Panel PG11, Reading, Adding with Fingers, Social Interactions