
Peggy Study, Panel P061 Themes: Playing with Scurry (the dog), Reading with Mom, Standard Objects Source: (Lawler); date: 3/26/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Scurry as companion;GPL and Bob supporting Peg’s explorations & sometimes instructing. P061A Playing with Scurry, 27mb P61B1 Reading w/GPL, 22mb P61B2 Seizing Letters, 10mb P61B3 Back to Reading, 24mb P61C1 …

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3V0432.03 Problem solving: bad bugs; insensitivity to the “obvious” (3/30/79) Problem solving: bad bugs; insensitivity to the “obvious” (3/30/79) | One of those many times she has sat in my lap, Peggy began trying to uncap pens. (She has seen me put the cap on firmly many times, so that when she put them in …

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3V0432.02 Foxy Robin Hood: classification. (3/30/79) Peggy has been playing much of late with Miriam’s stuffed toy fox, called “Foxy.” Peggy carries the toy about by the ear, pets it as she tries to do with Scurry. (Has she compared it yet to our pictures in the living room ? I’m not certain.) Yesterday Peggy …

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3V0432.01 First example of symbolic thought: “doll-up” for herself (3/30/79) Miriam has been making fantastic figures by cutting out paper. She displays them by taping them up below my mantle motto at the second story fireplace. Peggy caught sight of them and wanted to ‘see’ them. She indicates this by a high pitched noise of …

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3V0429.01 Stair gate: extends her horizon. (3/27/79) We have long had a stair gate at the bottom of the flight to our second storey. I put it up at first to keep Scurry downstairs (for Miriam’s sake) but knew also that we want to keep Peggy from climbing unattended. While I have worked at my …

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