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Link to the LC3 text corpus index.

Weeks Days Mnth A B C D E F G H Themes
links calendar serial Spc
Semi-Annual: 0-6mo.
1st Qtr at Birth
2nd Qtr After Day 091 A B C D E F G H Peggy is default Agent
P018 5/29/1978 127 4.2 P018A1
P018E A1,2 GPL plays w/Peggy
B1,2 Enter Scurry
C1-3 Familiar Objects
D,E with Rob,Miriam
P020 6/11/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
140 4.6 x x Bob plays w/Peggy
Everyday activities
Playing w/objects
Bob plays w/Peggy
P022 6/26/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
155 5.1 x x GPL plays w/Peggy
Playing w/objects
Rob plays w/Peggy
P024 7/7/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
166 5.5 x x GPL plays w/Peggy
Playing w/objects
P026 7/24/1978 183 6 P026A1
x A1 Pre-conversation
A2 Mirror Baby
A3 Using her spoon
B1,2 Objects on the floor
C1-3 Sibling Interactions
3rd Qtr After Day 183 A B C D E F G H
P028 8/6/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
196 6.4 x x Miriam plays w/Peggy
GPL feeding Peggy
Playing w/objects
P030 8/20/1978 210 6.9 P30B x x A Hidden Objects
B Following Gaze,Pointing
C Using Her Cup
D1 Objects on the Floor
D2 Ring Tower on the Floor
D3 Blocks on the Floor
P032 9/4/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
225 7.4 x x x x GPL feeds Peggy
Playing w/objects
GPL reads to Peggy
P034 9/17/1978
(redigitize, & segment)
238 7.8 x x x GPL,MRL play w/Peggy
Playing w/functional objects
Playing w/objects
P035 9/24/1978 245 8 x x P35C x A1 Feeding, w/GPL
A2-4 pre-Conversations
B1,2 Std. Objects on Floor
C Choosing between Toys
D Box with Blocks
P036 10/2/1978 253 8.5 x P36C A Ring Tower
B1-3 Box w/Blocks
C Indicating Choice
D1-3 Sets of Objects
E Vocal Imitation
P037 10/9/1978 260 8.5 x x x x A1,2 Miriam & Peggy
B Rob & Peggy
C1,2 Feeding, GPL
D Instruction, GPL
E1-3 Objects on Floor
P038 10/16/1978 267 8.8 x x x A1 Playpen: Ring Tower
A2,3 Playpen: Std Objects
A4 Playpen: Vocalization
A5 Playpen: Ejections
B1 CarSeat:Cup,Dish,Brush
B2 Std Object Set
B3a,b Car Seat, Objects
P039 10/23/1978 274 9 x x A1,2 In the high chair
B Interlude
C1,2 In the walker
D Objects in high chair
E On the floor
4th Qtr After Day 274 A B C D E F G H
P040 10/31/1978 282 9.3 P40B x A Feeding, w/GPL
B Object Choice
C Pipe-play “Talk”
D1 Rolling, w/mirror
D2 Rolling, no mirror
E Std Objects
P041 11/7/1978 289 9.5 P41B2 x A Giving with Miriam
B1 Clap on Request w/GPL
B2 Pointing and Choice
B3 Permanenet Objects
C1 In Her Walker, w/Bob
C2 Box with Blocks
C3 Mirror Baby
D1-3 Objects, sub-set
D4 Interest in Books
P042 11/13/1978 295 9.7 P42B x A1,2 pre-Conversation
B Choice & Pointing
C1,2 Blocks Box
D Giving a Ball
E1,2 Std Objects
P043 11/19/1978 301 9.9 x x A1,2 Box & Blocks w/Miriam
B Talk & Pipe-play
C Body Parts, walking w/GPL
D In Walker, w/Rob
E1,2 Std Objects
P044 11/27/1978 309 10 P44A1 x x A1,2 Pointing behavior
B GPL playing w/Peggy
C1,2,D Std Objects
P045 12/2/1978 314 10 x x x A Pre-Verbal Communication
B in her Walker, w/Rob
C1,2 Nesting Boxes, Blocks
D Box with Blocks
E1,2 Balls and Boxes
P046 12/10/1978 322 11 x x A1,2 Box with Blocks
B Playing with Ball, MRL
C walking w/Table
D1,2 Nesting Boxes
E1,2 Std Objects
P047 12/17/1978 329 11 x x x A Requesting things
B1,2 Naming, w/GPL
C Everyday Objects
D2 Response to “No!”
D6 Walking w/table
D1-7 Std Objects
P048 12/25/1978 337 11 x x A1-3 Christmas Toys
B with Toy Dog
C Book, then back to toys
D1,2 Std Objects
E Peggy with a Book
F Session Comments
P049 1/1/1979 344 11 P49A2 x
x P49F2 x A1-3 Body Parts,Pointing,GPL
B1,2 Pointing w/MRL,Scurry
C In her Walker,w/Rob
D Mirror Baby, w/Bob
E1-3 Std Objects, Walking
F1 F2√F3 Objects,Pointing,TV
P050 1/8/1979 351 12 x P50B x x A In the High Chair
B√Pointing & Talking
C1,2 Blocks & Boxes
D1,2 Std Objects
E1,2 With a Book
P051 1/15/1979 358 12 x x x x A1-3 Reading w/GPL&Sibs
B Putting-In a cup lid
C Cloth Over-the-head
D Ring-Tower Play
E Std Objects
F Looking at Wall Pictures
P052 1/23/1979 366 12 x A Play&Read w/Miriam
B Play&Read w/Robby
C1?C2? Std Objects,Books
D Objects w/GPL
366 Year 2 Begins here
5th Qtr After Day 366 A B C D E F G H
P053 1/29/1979 372 12 x x x A Reads w/GPL
B1 w/New Blocks
B2,D Aided Walking
C1 Standing & Letters
C2 Std Objects
E On-Top-Of
P054 2/5/1979 379 13 x x x A Picture Gallery
B Talk & PIctures
C Giving Letters
D Std Objects
P055 2/12/1979 386 13 x x A1,2 Blocks On Table
B1,2 Toys w/GPL
C1,2 Std Objects w/GPL
P056 2/20/1979 394 13 x x A Naming, Pics w/GPL
B Blocks w/GPL
C1,2 Blocks w/Bob
D Std Objects w/GPL
E1,2 Std Objects
P057 2/27/1979 401 13 x x x x A1-3 GPL Feeding Peggy
B Reading w/GPL
C1-3 Std Objects
P058 3/6/1979 408 13 x
x x x A Play with Scurry
B Talk w/Bob
C Read w/GPL
D Play w/Miriam
E1,2 Std Objects w/GPL
F Std Objects w/Bob
P059 3/12/1979 414 14 x x x x A1-3 Blocks & Tables
B1,2 Her Books w/Bob
C1-3 Std Objects
P060 3/19/1979 421 14 x x x x File corrupt;use backup
GPL Reads to Peggy
Objects w/Bob
P061 3/26/1979 428 14 x
x x x A Play w/Scurry
B1-3 Read w/GPL
C1-3 Std Objects
P062 4/1/1979 433 14 x A1,2 Play w/Foxie, Miriam
B1-3 Objects plus Pens
C Plastic Letters
D Ball tossing,chasing
P063 4/8/1979 440 15 x x x x A Blocks Play w/GPL
B1,2 Read w/GPL
C1,2 Std Objects
D1,2 Objects Extended
P064 4/15/1979 447 15 x x
x x A Pre-drawing
B Play with Scurry
C1 Toys w/Miriam
C2,3 Toys w/Robby
D1-3 Std Objects
P065 4/23/1979 455 15 x x x A Markings on Paper
B1,2 Books w/GPL
C Blocks and More
D Bouncing Balls
E Books w/Bob
6th Qtr After Day 457 A B C D E F G H
P066 4/30/1979 462 15 x x x x A Doll,dog,& Blocks (0-55)
B Blocks & Stool
C w/Sibs & GPL
D1,2 Reading w/GPL
E1 Std Objects
E2 Objects, w/MRLtoo
P067 5/6/1979 468 15 OMITTED:not done
P068 5/13/1979 475 16 A Play w/Miriam
B1-3 Read w/GPL
C1,2 Objects w/GPL
P069 5/21/1979 483 16 A1-3 Toy Animals
B1,2 Baby Animals Bk
C Std Objects
P070 5/28/1979 490 16 Bad RECORDER: lost
alternate frames
P071 6/6/1979 499 16 A1,2 Language Test
B1,2 Read w/GPL
B3,4 Blocks&Books w/GPL
C1,2 Std Objects
P072 6/12/1979 505 17 P72B1 A1 “That” indication
A2 Read w/GPL
B1 Scurry(dog),Bob
B2 w/Bob (dark)
C1,3 Std Objects
C2 Making Music
P073 6/19/1979 512 17 OMITTED or lost
P074 6/26/1979 519 17 A1,2 Slow Start
B1,3 Cylinders,MRL
B2 Banger w/MRL
B4 Distractions
C1,2 Objects &Dolls
D1 Objects w/GPL
D2 Read w/GPL
P075 7/4/1979 527 17 OMITTED or lost
P076 7/10/1979 533 18 x x x A1 Counting w/Bob
A2,3 Counting w/GPL
B Soccer w/Miriam
C1,2 Std Objects
P077 7/15/1979 538 18 x x x x Beanbags & Stools
B1 Std Objects
B2 Objects w/GPL
C Cushiion; MRL reads
D Reads w/GPL
E Std Objects
P078 7/23/1979 546 18 x x x x A Balls & Cylinders
B Reads w/Bob
C Wooden Nickels w/MRL
D Std Objects
7th Qtr After Day 548 A B C D E F G H
P079 7/30/1979 552 18 A1 Rob’s Toy Cars
A2 Ring Tower
A3 Wooden Nickels
B1,2 Std Objects
P080 8/5/1979 558 18 A Grammar Test
B1,2 Building Blocks
C1-5 Objects: Bouncing, Rolling, Going Through
D Wooden Nickels
P081 8/13/1979 566 19 A Talk re: Bear-Hug
B Corkscrew, w/GPL
C1,2 Reading, w/Rob
D Bouncing Balls
P082 8/20/1979 573 19 A1,2 Reading,GPL
B Putting-on
C1,2 Std Objects+Book
D1,2 Std Objects
P083 8/27/1979 580 19 A1,2 Wanting to Read
B1,2 Building BLockcs
C1,2 Reading w/GPL
D1-3 Std Objects,Bob/GPL
P084 9/3/1979 587 19 A1√A2√ Rings& Insertion
B1,2 Blocks, Peggy’s Chair
C1,2 Mixed Activities
D1-3 Bean Bags & Cups
P085 9/10/1979 594 20 P85A A Scurry& a Problem
B1,2 Counting
B3,4 Ball&Cylinder
C1,2 Reading w/GPL
P086 9/17/1979 601 20 A1,2 Box Puzzle
B Reading w/GPL
C Reading w/Bob
D1,2 Box Puzzle
E1-3 Std Objects
P087 9/24/1979 608 20 A1,2 Objects,Sound,Light, Grammar
B Cone in Ring Tower
C1-4 Std Objects
D1,2 Reading w/GPL
P088 10/1/1979 615 20 A Blocks&Teddy
B1,2 Talk
C Wind-up Car
D1,2 Scooter,Car
E1,2 Balls&Cups
P089 10/8/1979 622 20 A Solid Wood Puzzle
B Building Blocks
C Joke: Culdy … Gone
D1-4 Std Objects
P090 10/15/1979 629 21 A1,2 Building Blocks
B What Peg Wants?
C1,2 Naming Toys
D Walking a Bike
E1,2 Toys, Relations
F Std Objects
P091 10/22/1979 636 21 A Ball w/Rob
B Words w/Miriam
C Books in Reach
D Blocks,Talking
E Std Objects
F Other Objects
8th Qtr After Day 639 A B C D E F G H
P92 10/29/1979 643 21 A Help with Shoes & Socks
B1,2 Blocks
C1-3 Reading,Toys,w/Rob
D1,2 Std Objects
E Std Objects w/Miriam
P93 11/5/1979 650 21 A1,2 Abacus, with Miriam
B1-3 Standard Objects
C Play Recorder
D Read Music Book
P94 11/11/1979 656 22 A Rolling Bell, w/GPL
B√Ring Tower,w/GPL
C1,2 Toy Animals
D Std Objects,w/Dog
E1,2 Std Objects, Toys
P95 11/19/1979 664 22 A1,2 Reading
B1,2 PuzzleBox
C ToyBox;Rob
D Talking;Bob
E Dancing;Bear
F Std Objects
P96 11/26/1979 671 22 A1-5 Intro to Sesame St
Reading to CameraMan
B2,3 Std Objects
C1,2 Snoopy Train, w/MRL
P97 12/3/1979 678 22 A Toilet Lesson
B Interruption, MRL
C1-3 Mixed Play,Dresses
D1,2 Alphabet Blocks
E1,2 Std Objects
P98 12/9/1979 684 23 A pre-Writing
B Blocks
C1,2 Snoopy Train
D1,2 Std Objects
E Culdaa (dog) Talk
F Fixing a Problem
G Talk re: Bear-Hug
H1,2 Puzzle-Box
P99 12/17/1979 692 23 A Christmas Tree
B1,2 Play w/Miriam
C Std Objects
D Building Blocks
E1 Dapper Dan
E2 Writing/Drawing
F1,2 Objects,Dan,end bits
P100 12/24/1979 699 23 A1-3 Reading,GPL
B1,2 Puzzle Box
C Building Blocks
D1,2 Std Objects
E Shoe Help
F Blocks & Puzzle Box
PXMAS 12/25/1979 700 23
P101 12/31/1979 706 23 A Puzzle-Fitting
B Std Objects
C Puzzle, Again
D1,2 Legos, w/GPL
E Crayon,Paper
F1,2 Reading,GPL
P102 1/6/1980 712 23 VHS no audio
P103 1/14/1980 720 24 A1,2 Singing, Reading
B Hop on Pop Words
C1,2 Blocks, Arches
D Std Objects
E Music: Morny Dew
P104 1/21/1980 727 24 A Peggy’s Choices
B Std Objects
C Puzzle-Box
D Blocks w/MRL
E1,3 Books+ w/Rob
731 Year 3 Begins here
9th Qtr After Day 731 A B C D E F G H
P105 1/28/1980 734 24 A Talking with Peggy
B1√B2 Std Objects
C Alphabet Blocks
D Building BLocks
E1,2 Coins with Rob
F with Guitar
P106 2/4/1980 741 24 A&F Typewriter
B&G Plastic Letters
C Limited Help
D Snoopy Train
H1,2 Toys,Diffuse focus
P107 2/11/1980 748 25 A1 Plans vs.Toys
A2 Fitting into Holes
B Use of Typewriter
C Reading w/GPL
D1,2 Balloons & Objects
E Balloon Finale
F Playing with Miriam
P108 2/18/1980 755 25 P108F A Puzzle Box
B Toy Telephone
C√Std Objects
D From the Toy box
E1,2 Read “Scotties”
F Enter Scurry
G Urge to Dance
H Balloon Play
P109 2/24/1980 761 25 A Singing/Talking
B,E Building Blocks
C Talk w/Camera Man
D1,2 Reading PIctures
F More Books?
G√Std Objects
H,I Reading Madeline
P110 3/2/1980 768 25 A Sibling Pictures
B√C Std Objects(hiding)
D Army Book
E1-3 Read Hop on Pop, Little Black at the Circus
F Plastic Letters,MRL
P111 3/9/1980 775 26 A1-3 Toys w/GPL
B1,2 Objects & Toys w/Bob
C1,2 Books w/Bob
P112 3/16/1980 782 26 A Preliminaries
B1√B2 Std Objects
C Toy Interlude
D1-3,G Letter Desk
E Cat in the Hat
F Miriam’s Toy
P113 3/23/1980 789 26 A,E “We Play Letters”
B1-3 Std Objects
C “Where Mommy?”
D1,2 Play Doggies
F Play w/Animals
G Cat in the Hat
P114 3/31/1980 797 26 A1 Talk Rehearsal;
A2 Sorting Letters
B Basics
C1√C2 Std Objects
D1,2 Reading w/Bob
E1,2 Blocks Exploring
F Letters: “Who dat?”
P115 4/7/1980 804 26 A Benjamin Bunny,w/GPL
B,D Toy Play
C Std Objects
E1,2 Letter Desk
F Now We Are Six
G Riding, Napping
P116 4/14/1980 811 27 A Form Free Orders
B Person? Toddler?
C Toy Telephone
D Cups with Images
F Peggy Typing
G1,2 Letter Desk
P117 4/20/1980 816 27 A Toy People
B Std Objects
C Stacking Cups
D In&Out, Dancing
10th Qtr After Day 822 A B C D E F G H
P118 4/27/1980 823 27 A1,2 Bag of Blocks
B1,2 People & Blocks
C Letter Desk
D1,D2√Standard Objects
E Objects with Miriam
F Pokey little Puppy
P119 5/4/1980 830 27 P119A2 A1,3,4 Letter Desk
B Letters & Reading
C Reading:Objects
D Reading:Stories
E Solid Wood Puzzle
F Names and Classes
P120 5/11/1980 837 28 A1√-A5 Std Objects
A2 Objects: Balance
A3 Letter Names on Blocks
A4 Objects & Talk
B1 Read “Hop Aboard”
B2,3 Read “Little Black”
P121 5/18/1980 844 28 A1,2 Std Objects
B1,2 Toys & Talking
C Blocks
D1,2 Letters Desk
E Hanoi Tower
P122 5/25/1980 851 28 A1,2 Peggy’s Domain
B1√B2 Std Objects
C Conversation
D1,2 Mother Goose
E Snoopy Train
P123 6/2/1980 859 28 A Jumping Rope
B Reading
C1-3 Cuisenaire Rods
D1√-D3 Std Objects
E Letters Desk
P124 6/8/1980 865 28 A Counting, w/MRL
B1√-B4 Std Objects
C1-3 Books w/Bob
P125 6/15/1980 872 29 A Typewriter
B1√B2 Std Objects
C1,2 Reading
D Hanoi Tower
E1,2 Blocks
P126 6/22/1980 879 29 A1-3 Reading
B1√B2 Std Objects
C Drawing, w/MRL
D Counting Blocks
P127 6/29/1980 886 29 P127A2 Password needed:
A1-3 Toys, Scurry, Letters
B1,2 Plastic Letters
C1√C2 Std Objects
D1,2 Blocks & Rounds
P128 7/6/1980 893 29 B1,2 Dapper Dan
C1,2 Letter Desk
D1√D2 Std Objects
E1,2 Blocks
P129 7/13/1980 900 30 A1,2 Letters Desk
B1,B2√B3√Std Objects
C1,2 Blocks
D Counting,Reading
P130 7/20/1980 907 30 A Hammer,Talking
B Letters,Comments
C√Std Objects
D Reading,w/RAL
E Jumping Rope,RAL
11th Qtr After Day 913 A B C D E F G H
P131 7/27/1980 914 30 A Talk w/Camera Man
B1-3 FP-People
C1,2 Blocks
D Snoopy Train
E√Std Objects
F Toy Animals
P132 8/3/1980 921 30 A Pre-Experiment
B (not) Little Black
C Nesting Cups
D Balls & Cups
E√Bringing Persons
F Lamb, Best Friends
G√Ring Tower
H “S” to a Bath
I Bath to Book
J Toy Chest Finds
P133 8/10/1980 928 31 Password needed:
A1,2 Legos
B Letters Desk
C Writing
D Reading
E1,2 Reading French
F1√F2√F3 Std Objects
P134 8/17/1980 935 31 A Legos &Toy People
B1,2 Reading w/Bob
C Legos &Toy People
D1,2 Std Objects
E Jump Rope &Ant
F Letter Desk
P135 8/24/1980 942 31 A1,2 Toy People & Legos
B1,2 People,Legos,MRL
C1,2 Std Objects,MRL
D Reading, MRL
E without focus
P136 8/31/1980 949 31 A1,2 Legos and Toy People
B1-3 LettersDesk
C1√C2 Std Objects
P137 9/7/1980 956 31 A1,2 Legos& Toy People
B1-3 Colored Blocks
C Std Objects
P138 9/14/1980 963 32 A1-3 Std Objects
B1,2 Legos &Toy People
C Toy People &Talk
D video end
P139 9/21/1980 970 32 A1,2 Library Books
B1-3 Legos Play
C1,2 Std Objects
P140 9/28/1980 977 32 A Materials Choice
B1,2 Colored Blocks
C1,C2√Std Objects
D Reading Book Words
E Reading Card Words
F A New Puzzle
P141 10/6/1980 985 32 A1,2 Play w/Toys& Miriam
B Summary of lost data
C1,C2√C3√C4√C5 Std Objects,Bob,MRL
D Letter Desk, w/MRL
P142 10/12/1980 991 33 A1,2 Reading with Rob
B Stormy Weather
C1√C2,C3√Std Objects
D1,2 Colored Blocks
P143 10/20/1980 999 33 A1,2 GPL Reads, Colors
B Peggy’s Horse
C1,2 Cash Register
D1,D2√D3,D4√Std Objects w/Toy People
P144 10/26/1980 1005 33 Not located, 2/15/13
12th Qtr After Day 1005 A B C D E F G H
P145 11/2/1980 1012 33 A Talk re: Activities
B Colored Blocks
C Reading
D1,2 Letters Desk
E1-4 Std Objects
P146 11/9/1980 1019 34 A Toys,Legos,Talk
B Stories,Phone
C Grandma Puzzle
D Play Peggy’s Toys
E√Ring Tower
F Nesting Cups
G Nesting Boxes
P147 11/17/1980 1027 34 A1-3 Puzzle Box
B Counting Hats
C1,2 Reading
P148 11/23/1980 1033 34 A Intro: Talk
B1,2 Reading w/GPL
C1,2 Colored Blocks
D Uniform Blocks
E1,2 Letters Desk
F√Std Objects
P149 11/30/1980 1040 34 A 1-1 Correspondence
B1,2 Read & Sing Town-O
C1,2 Std Objects:insertion
D Letter Desk
E Colored Blocks
P150 12/6/1980 1046 34 A “Calling Mommy”
B1,B2,B3√B4√B5√ Std Objects
C Letters Desk
D Toy People plus
E Letters Desk Cards
P151 12/15/1980 1055 35 A Hanoi Tower
B1-3 Letter Desk
C1,2 Discrete Quantity
D Std Objects
P152 12/22/1980 1062 35 A1,2 Animals & Coins
B Letters Desk
C Colored Blocks, etc.
D1,2 “Marbles”
E√Std Objects
P153 12/29/1980 1069 35 A Paper Clock
B Reading
C1,2 Discrete Substance
D Colored Blocks
E1√E2√Std Objects
F Dan & Toy People
P154 1/5/1981 1076 35 A1 Paper Clock, Pythagorean Puzzle
B1,2 Cuisenaire Rods
C Discrete Substance
D1,2 Letter Desk
E Pythagorean Puzzle
F√Standard Objects
P155 1/12/1981 1083 36 A Rejecting Bob’s Plan
B Balloon Play
C Counting Sticks
D Shapes Families
E Hanoi Tower
F1-4 Building BLocks
P156 1/19/1981 1090 36 A Intro:talk
B Reading,w/GPL
C1,2 Std Objects
D1,2 Cuisenaire Rods
E Shape Families
F Toy Dog
G1,2 Puzzles,w/Rob
P157 1/26/1981 1097 36 A√Std Objects
B Discrete Quantity
C Cuisenaire Rods
D Readings Words
E Colored Blocks
F Figure Puzzle
1099 Year 4 Begins here
13th Qtr After Day 1099 A B C D E F G H
P158 2/2/1981 1104 36
P159 2/9/1981 1111 37
P160 2/16/1981 1118 37 A Talk Snippet
B1,3 Typewriters
C,F Bus Puzzle
D1,2 Cuisenaire Rods
E1,2 Shapes Families
P161 1125 37
P162 1132 37
P163 1139 37
P164 3/15/1981 1146 38 A Shape Families
B Colored Blocks
C Writing
D Plastic Letters
E Writing
F Cuisenaire Rods
P165 1153 38
P166 1160 38
P167 4/5/1981 1167 38 A Letters & Words
B Discrete Substance
C1,2 Cuisenaire Rods
D Ring Tower
E Std Objects
F,G Juggling/Climb on Dad
H Word Cylinder
P168 1172 39
P169 1179 39
P170 4/26/1981 1186 39 A Letters&Names
B TI-Logo Blocks
C Play w/Animals
D Blocks Play
14th Qtr After Day 1190 A B C D E F G H
P171 1193 39
P172 1200 39
P173 1207 40
P174 5/24/1981 1214 40 A TI-Logo ABC Program
B1,2 MonkeyJump (HanoiTwr)
C Discrete Substance
D1,2 Colored Blocks
E Plastic Letters
F Toy Animals Play
P175 1221 40
P176 1228 40
P176.2 1228 41 extended session
P177 6/14/1981 1235 41 A TI-Logo Beach µworld
B1-4 Peg Using Beach
C1 Cuisenaire Rods
C2 Introducing Katy
D Using Beach Again
P178 1242 41
P179 1249 41
P180 7/5/1981 1256 42 A With Baby Kate
B1,2 Beam Balance
C1,2 Colored Blocks
D Cuisenaire Rods
E Problems & Counting
F Juggling
G Computer Words
P181 1263 42
P182 1270 42
P183 1277 42
P184 8/2/1981 1284 42 A Conservation,Clay
B Legos
C TI-Logo ABC program
D The Girl& Cow
E 2 Letter Words
F Std Objects
15th Qtr After Day 1288 A B C D E F G H
P185 1291
P186 1298
P187 1305 A1-3 Clay Play
B1 Colored Blocks
B2 Bag of Balls
B3 Ring Tower,Juggling, Correspondence
B4 Nested Boxes
P188 1312
P189 1319
P190 9/13/1981 1326 A1-3 TI-Logo Blocks
B Lincoln Logs
C1,2 Std Objects
D Toy Animal Play
P191 1333
P192 1340
P193 1347 A1,2 TI Logo Issues
B1,2 Blocks,Sharing,Miriam
B3-6 Towers,Walls,Castles
P194 1354
P195 1361
P196 1368
P197 11/1/1981 1375 A Drawings
B Letters&Spaces
C Toy People Play
D Correspondance
E Ring Tower+
F Colored Blocks
16th Qtr After Day 1379 A B C D E F G H
P198 1382
P199 1389
P200 11/22/1981 1396 A1,2 TI-Logo Blocks
B1-3 Discrete Substance
C with Baby Katy
P201 1393
P202 1400
P203 12/13/1981 1407 A1,2 Dancing
B1,2 Printed Words
C 1-1 Correspondence
D Std Objects + Katy
E Bob plays with Katy
F Cuisenaire Stairs
G Katy plays w/Rod
H Other Words?
I Making a High Tower
J Juggling
P204 Not done 1414
P204.5 1417
P205 Not done 1421
P206 1428 A TI-Logo Draw w/tiles
B1,2 Reading Words
C Balls in Glasses
D Quantity with Blocks
E “Reading French”
F1,2 Logo Phrase Game
P207 Not done 1435
P208 1/17/1982 1442
P209 Not done 1449
P210 Not done 1456
1462 Year 5 Begins here
17th Qtr After Day 1462 A B C D E F G H
P211 2/7/1982 1463 A Shape Families
B Subtraction
C Size Order
D Std Objects
E Discrete Quantity
F Nesting Cup Use
P212 1470
P213 1477
P214 Not found 1484
P215 1491
P216 1498
P217 1505
P218 1512
P219 1519
P220 Not found 1526
P221 1533
P222 Not found 1540
P223 Not found 1547
18th Qtr After Day 1553 A B C D E F G H
P224 Not found 1554
P225 5/16/1982 1561
P226 1568
P227 Not found 1575
P228 Not found 1582
P229 1589
P230 1596
P231 1603 A1 Intro,Talking
A2 Reading,Words
A3 Word Concept
B1 Robs Example
B2 After Example
B3 Sentence Tests
B4 Final Items
C Puzzle Assembly
P232 5 min. tape 1610 last pre-Paris
1644 Paris, 13 mo.
19th Qtr After Day 1644 A B C D E F G H
PF01 tbd date by session
PF02 8/22/1982
tbd A Date&Plan
B ZOOM re-intro
C Box Procedure
D Face1 Proc.
E Eye Proc.
F Eyes&Face2
G Nose
PF03 tbd date by session
PF04 tbd date by session
PF05 10/5/1982
20th Qtr After Day 1743 A B C D E F G H
PG06 10/16/1982
PF07 11/01/1982
PF08 11/14/1982
PF09 11/28/1982
PF10 12/5/1982
PF11 tbd date by session
21st Qtr After Day 1834 A B C D E F G H
PF12 1/4/1983
PF13 1/25/1983 tbd A1,2 Calendar
C Reading Tintin
D Read Wordbook
E Read Peter Rabbit
F Devalued game
B Toys (too dark)
PF14 2/2/1983 tbd
PF15 2/16/1983 tbd
PF16 3/17/1983 tbd no digital file
22nd Qtr After Day 1925 A B C D E F G H
PF17 4/24/1983 tbd A European Coins
B Object Geometry
C Family Relations
D Reading&Moving
E1,2 Number Ideas
PF18 5/24/1983 tbd
PF19 7/10/1983 tbd
tbd Guilford, 9 mo.
23rd Qtr After Day 2016 A B C D E F G H
PG01 8/22/1983 tbd
PG02 9/5/1983 tbd
PG03 9/28/1983 tbd No audio
24th Qtr After Day 2107 A B C D E F G H
PG04 11/11/1983 tbd
PG05 11/20/1983 tbd
PG06 11/30/1983 tbd
PG07 12/12/1983 tbd
PG08 12/19/1983 tbd
PG09 12/27/1983 tbd
25th Qtr After Day 2198 A B C D E F G H
PG10 1/3/1984 tbd
PG11 1/5/1984 tbd PG11A1
PG11C A1-5 Reading in “Hop on Pop”
B1-3 Adding with Fingers
C Big Numbers
PG12 1/16/1984 tbd
PG13 2/10/1984 tbd
PG14 2/19/1984 tbd
PG15 3/8/1984 tbd A Intro
B1,2 Reading
C1,2 Adding
D Drawing,Notes
PG16 3/24/1984 tbd
End tbd the corpus ends here