The materials here are the more “occasional” pieces and interesting “bits” that do not fit more directly
in well defined categories — such as the explanation for parents of Headstart children linked below.
LC0cO1 BEACH microworld for Headstart

Short Articles on Education with Technology
LC0cO2 Microworlds and Learning
LC0cO3 Microtheories in Microworlds

Logo Ideas
LC0cO4 Computers and People (at LC2aA2)
LC0cO5 Make It Your Own
LC0cO6 Powerful Ideas (at LC0a 3.etc)
LC0cO7 Re-solving Problems

Notes on Word Worlds (Lawler & Papert, unpublished)
LC0c11 A Constructive Alternative to “Getting Teached”
LC0c12 The Unreachable Word
LC0c13 Precursors to Composition
LC0c14 A Computer Writing-Workshop