
PG11B1: Addition with Fingers, 19mb

PG11 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, R W Lawler, 8/11/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room: props: magnetic numbers and a metal board.
Actors,Aims Peggy and Bob; Mom on camera; Katy wanders in.
Episode A: Peggy: Can I pick out the numbers this time?
Bob: You can do whatever you want here. I’ll just turn them up so they’re easier to recognize what the numbers are.
What do you have in mind to do, Peggy? I know you said you wanted to play with the numbers now.
Peggy: Yeah. I’m going to make this be good.
Bob: You’re going to make it be good?
Peggy: Yeah.
Bob: Well, I’m glad you hear that. Well, let me take these out of the way, if you don’t want to use them.
Episode B: Katy: [wanders into scene, blocking camera view]
Bob: Katy, don’t stand there. Do not stand there, Katy. Come over here.[taps on floor; she moves].
Mom or Bob: [draws Katy back from the scene; Katy wails.]
Peggy: We need something.
Bob: Now, what do you need? [holding out hand] Is it one of these things in my hand?
Peggy: Yeah [takes tokens from his hand]
Bob: Okay, what have you got up there? What’s that say?
Katy: [Katy wails]
Bob: Can you shut off the camera? [Mom does so.]
Episode C: Katy: [continues to whimper]
Bob: Katy, I really want you to keep quiet.
Bob: [to Peggy] Now, what have you done?
Peggy: That?
Bob: Yeah, while I was beating up Katy, you did something else. Now, what did you do?
Peg: I made it be 10, because it’s ten.
Bob: How did you figure that out? Or did you just know that?
Peggy: [holding up both hands] How many is that?
Bob: Well, you’ve got five fingers on this hand and five more on that hand.
Peggy: Well, that makes ten.
Bob: Oh, okay.
Peggy: Let me test it.
Bob: Remember, I know the last thing we did, we were pretending. You were pretending you had six fingers on one hand, right? Because I asked you that hard problem about five plus six.
Peggy: [starts counting her fingers by touching them to her nose].
[offscreen: a sneeze]
Episode D: Peggy: [completes counting her fingers and holds up both hands]
Bob: Well, let’s change it then, make it five plus six. [substitutes a 6 for a 5 in the equation]. Is that still true?
Peggy: [silently shaking her head “no”]
Bob: No? Well, what should it be? What should it be? [removing something from board] We’ll keep this separate. This is something else.
Katy: [whimpers again]
Peggy: [counting fingers] I’m going to say ‘6’… Wait a second… [counting fingers again] Ten!
Bob: Five plus six equals ten?
Peggy: [counting fingers aloud] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Bob: Well, it’s true you have ten fingers, but what does that have to do with five plus six?
Peggy: [demonstrating] See, Here’s six. Here’s five. One, two, three, four, five… [puzzled]
Bob: You missed your pinky. That’s five.
Peggy: [reflecting, in self-correction mode, eventually replaces the ’10’ with a ‘6’.]
Bob: Five plus six equals six?… Not too easy, huh?
Peggy: [continues ‘thinking with her fingers’, holds up six fingers]
Bob: That’s six… I know, you could borrow my fingers.
Peggy: [smiling at a different initiative] Okay.
Link Index Panel PG11, Reading, Adding with Fingers, Social Interactions