
Bob at 40 

Printing NLCSA content

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What’s “behind the button?” The WP Plugin in use is’s “Print Friendly and PDF” plugin, v.3.2.5.
Why did you choose it? By me, it worked best with the mix of documents at NLCSA. Even better, the interface can be made as simple as a single button and located in the expected page locations. It’s free at this basic level — for which we pay the price of having google-type adds displayed while the formatting and printing is underway. Also, I was pleased at the thoughtfulness of the firm permitting new visitors to try out the conversion to PDF files on their website.

Tagged Data

As of May, 2013, there were 1057 items tagged in the NLCSA database with some set of the 275 different tags. The distribution of assigned tags provides an overview of the contents.

The tags assigned will change in the future, especially with the extension of tagging to videos and the addition of more video materials. It is also quite likely that some judgments about the appropriateness of tags to specific data items will be changed. That said, nonetheless it seems worthwhile to extract these numbers from the SK Multi Tag plugin facility. (You can verify any of these numbers by hovering your mouse over the tag in the left sidebar.)

Of the 1055 data items, 916 are tagged as vignettes; 177 video clips are mentioned (some in text, as a cross reference). Eleven items are based on recall and 9 are speculations.

Distributions of Tags for Time:

  • (by years, for all three subjects) Y1 174; Y2 276; Y3 301 ; Y4 124 ; Y5 21 ; Y6 143 ; Y7 61 ; Y8 44 ;
    The breakout by years reflect the differing lengths of the three studies, as well as the “atomizing” of data items in the infant study (See “Reference”, below).
  • LC1, 102 tags; LC2, 157; LC3, 889. Of the items related to LC2 and LC3, 22 were before the intimate Study, 116 during it, and 29 following.
  • Tagging through 31 quarters ranges from zero (quarter Q20) to 102 in Q9.

Continue reading ‘Tagged Data’ »


On Seymour Papert

in appreciation
Seymour’s 1988 Talk at Purdue can be seen at Revaluation of the Concrete.
NB. this post calls 11 video clips, and takes time to load completely.

Coming to MIT to study Artificial Intelligence with Minsky had the wonderful side effect of introducing me to Seymour Papert, Marvin’s colleague and co-founder of the AI Lab. My research studies began in Seymour’s Logo Project, the “Childrens’ Learning Laboratory.” As I integrate all my studies, it seems appropriate to share with anyone interested some photos and video clips from that common past. The two children who joined me at the lab, eventually, met a wise man who very much enjoyed the pleasures of everyday life.
Continue reading ‘on-Papert’ »


Example3 shows how one might use this tagging system and these tags to explore the contents of the LC3 datacase. The tags were assigned by the Analyst (they can be modified only by a user with editing control of NLCSA contents; if you have suggestions, send email to The tagging system is the Word Press Plugin, SK Multi Tag. Without full set operations, the plugin is nonetheless useful in providing the equivalent of intersection of tag-determined sets. The specific example developed below is how to explore the vignette collection for information about the infant’s language development as she approached two years of age. Continue reading ‘Example3’ »


The method discussed here, SCPP (select, copy, paste, & post) was a backstop in place while I tried to figure out a real solution that discussion-group use of these materials required. It has been replaced by the method of Posting Linked Data. For THAT purpose, this document is obsolete (4/23/2013). See the replacement as Example4 or click on Example4 in the Examples list of the right sidebar.

Example2 shows how an archive created by choosing two tags (Y1 and Lng) can be turned into a post. Notice that tags and active links are no longer functional after copy and paste operations. Consider this paragraph as a “typical introduction” to such an archive. Given the focus on early language development, here it is appropriate for an author to insert a link to a short note on the Analyst’s stance with respect to language learning:
Lawler’s Language Learning Mini-Theory

Archive of posts tagged Lng (Language) from Year 1 of LC3 (Infant Peggy Study)
« Older Entries
Posted by admin on 25 January 2011, 9:54 am

3V09102 Peggy’s Vocalization 4/23 serial 0091
Continue reading ‘Example2’ »



How_to do the essential things:

Continue reading ‘How_To’ »

Questions you might have: As a Visitor:
Can I read these materials without signing up? Yes. Our intention is to make these materials accessible and useful. For that reason, the search facility and tag system is also available to visitors.
Can I use search, tags and menus to look at other stuff? That’s what they’re there for. Go ahead! Check out the post “Tagged Data” in the right sidebar for definitions of what the tags mean.
How do I comment on a page or a post? Is there a comment box at the bottom? If so, you can add a comment. For example, under the drop-down “Welcome” menu, click on NLCSA. Type your message in the box. Provide your name and email address. Click on “Submit”



Doubts and Criticisms, and Responses


Continue reading ‘Critic’ »

Critic: I question the accuracy and validity of these materials and the value of the enterprise: Analyst: Of course, and I need to respond to your questions because I want you to take this work seriously.


Peggy Infant and Child

Development of the Pure Point

Example1: Supporting Analysis with Video Clip Evidence

Continue reading ‘Example1’ »

This abstract for a paper (not published) is broken up in the rows below to bring into registration the observations made and the video material providing support for the analysis. Five are in this post. All ten are at link LC3bV1. -> LC3A4 Abstract for a Presentation at the annual Jean Piaget Society Conference, Berkeley, CA, 2001
LC3bV1 Ten “Pointing” video clips.


Still Trying!

Making Sense of What’s Been Collected

Continue reading ‘Analyst’ »

Notes on Issues, Questions, Possible Studies: Relevant Resources:
Primary Research Goal: trace in detail the transition of learning from a side effect of behavior to processes of reflexive self-construction.
Primary Research Agenda: interpret LC3. (For detail, see LC3c Analyses.)
-track language skill & knowledge development
-track spatial skill & knowledge development
-track other skill & knowledge development
-seek levels of description at which tracks of development can be related
LC3c-Text LC3 Vignettes.
LC3c-Video LC3 Video Catalog.


Bob at 40

Corpus and Site Construction

Plans, Goals, Objectives, Aims, Completed Work Next Review planned in October, 2017
Content Management Systems Usage
This web site is my current attempt to construct a Case Analysis Support Environment. See CASE and The Notion of a Datacase for further discussion. The content will include the information I have collected in my case studies, including the video archives, ascriptions of knowledge states and interpretations of learning experiences, and local theories made about those learning experiences.
It is my further intention to use the facilities of public comment through web logs to foster collaboration with colleagues interested in critical or constructive use of these materials. The objective is to enhance the credibility of case study as a method.

Continue reading ‘Builder’ »

Work In-Process: updating June, 2017 Approaches and Decisions
Revivifying the Agenda:
Review the state of the site:
– decide what is still adequately sound
– decide what needs repair immediately.
– decide what modifications can be done later.
Plan further development:
– what resources need be added or filled out.
– what analyses to pursue, when, and how.
– what developments could be usefully modeled.
Evaluation Control and Planning Issues:
Develop evaluation checklists by indices
– begin with menu specified directories.
– use “immediate repair” criteria to generate task lists.
– use “later modifications” as component of future plans.
Push evaluation into sub-indices as needed.
Earlier Work In-Process: in limbo since research interruption Approaches and Decisions
Progress has begun in modeling by returning to classical AI roots, but the results are modest, limited now by personal and circumstantial constraints. The intention is to employ similar simplification in modeling the contexts and behavior of LC3, the infant Peggy study. COUNT: One Selfridge Model is not yet public, pending revisions in September.
General plan and schedule: method for analyzing video clip threads
Method:DNS echo-transcription to generate episode-texts from videos;
install texts in video clip notes. Link-episodes for analysis
√Method: use digital recorder for read text/commentary.
√Next: use DNS for voice to text processing
√Format & install in Word Press editor.
See first example: LC2bT1 READING SKILLS
√develop method to tag panes (clips) within panels (pages)
~continue video processing, as background activity
-plan on beginning analyses/interpretation early in 2014.
decision:use DNS speech-to-text as input
clipNote formats installed for 11-12th quarter videos: e.g. panel P146
~eg.LC3cA63 Ring-Tower Mastery Thread.
√hardware purchased,software installed:12/2013
~training & testing completed, Jan 2014
Test by reading two pages from CECD.
Formatting embedded in voice record.
HTML added in Word Press installation.
√published in June, 2013; transient interest