
P085A: Scurry & a Problem Solved, 12mb

P085A Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 2/7/2025
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Scurry; Bob on camera. Mom, in the wings
Episode A: Peggy: [runs across scene & off, Scurry’s leash in hand, ] {polysyllable phrase, /ai/ /in/}
Bob: Peggy, will you go over there, please?
Peggy: [runs back upstage, Scurry following]
Episode B: Bob: What do you have there, Peggy?… What’s on the… What have you got there?
Peggy: {unclear polysyllable} ~ uh lay guh [? a Lego]
Bob: It’s a what? (/lat/)
Peggy: ~ un dah [she sits, pulls Scurry in, drops the leash, shakes her head]….
Episode C: Peggy: [rising with the leash, she runs across the scene]
Peggy: {unclear polysyllable} ~ we pay eye ing [? we’re playing]
[runs back, Scurry in tow, to closet door way] NVE ~ pay eye ing
[begins running back past camera ] ~ pay eye ing
Bob: are you saying can? Or is that do it again?
Mom: or is it come? [as Peggy re-runs back on scene, pulls Scurry in, runs off]
[camera off at 1:05]
Episode D: [ scene resumes at 1:05]
Bob: What’s the problem there?… Oh, she was trapped,… caught her around the…
Bob: Okay. Can you get that away?
Peggy: Mm-hmm. ( ~ unh uh? )
Bob: Well, what about it?
Peggy: [sees the leash around the lamp pole, picks it up] (syllables) ~ struck Culdah
[manipulates the leash, looks up the pole], polysyllable phrase (PSP) ~ Culdah…
Culdah… [beginning to cry] Culdah
Bob: What’s the problem, sweetie?
Peggy: unclear monosyllable
Bob: What?
Peggy: [turns to lamp, gestures] Unclear monosyllable ~ rain?
Bob: I don’t understand. Now, please be more clear.
Episode E: Peggy: [crossing to backs of furniture] Culdah
Mom: [to Bob] Do you think she was trying to say lamp?
Peggy: unclear monosyllable ~ free?
Bob: Well, Peggy, can you get Scurry untangled?
Peggy: Naanh.
Bob: No? Give it a try. Go ahead…. I’m sure you can do it.
Peggy: [crossing scene] [string of mono syllables with gestures toward other things]
Bob: Now, you try to get Scurry untangled, please.
You don’t want her to be stuck there all day, do you, Peggy?
Peggy: (unclear monosyllable) ~ No.
Bob: She’s stuck. Right. Can you get her untangled?
Peggy: [turns toward the lamp and pulls the leash around the pole]
Bob: Hooray for Peggy…. Well, good for you.
Episode F: Peggy: [returns with leash, examines it] unclear phrases ~ caught. ~ Scurrah. ~ caught.
Bob: Is it caught now?…
Peggy: Okay, [on exit] caught
Bob: ‘Kay, thank you, Peggy.
Episode G:
Link Index Panel P085, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions