
Peggy Study, Panel P112 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 3/16/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P112A Preliminaries, 4mb P112B1 Standard Objects, 15mb P112B2 Standard Objects, 17mb P112C Toy Interlude, 4mb P112D1 Letter Desk, 21mb P112D2 Letter Desk, 19mb P112D3 Letter Desk, 24mb P112E Cat in …

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3V0790.01 Name: [Daddy name Bob] (3/22/80) Pointing to her father working at his desk, Peggy said, “That Daddy.” G: Yes P: Daddy name Bob.” Gretchen.


3V0789.03 Word order variations ( — loves — ) (3/21/80) Bob questioning Peggy… B: Daddy loves Peggy? P: Yes B: Mimi loves Peggy ? P. Yes. B; Mommy loves Peggy. P: Yes B: Anyone else ? [looking for mention of Robby…] P: Peggy loves Peggy. More questions… Peggy love bear ? P: Yes B: Bear …

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3V0789.01 Peggy Lawler again (3/21/80) A later, outstanding example of this interpretation by Peggy occurred as I read “The Fox” (by Peter Spier) to her. Peggy asked, “Who’s that?” pointing to words at the bottom of the cover saying “Illustrations drawn by Peter Spier.” She answered herself, “letters,” pointing to the first words of the …

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3V0788.02 Peggy love bear — any way will do (3/20/80) So Peggy began a conversation. I repeated, “Peggy love bear?” . P: Right , she replied.. B. “Bear love Peggy, ” I continued. P. “Right.” (again). B. Finally “Love Bear Peggy ?” I asked . P: “OK, ” agreed Peggy.


3V0788.01 Knock-knock again (3/20/80) This morning Peggy said to me suddenly: P: Knock knock G; who’s there ? P: Tim-mer. G: Timber ? Timber who ? P: (giggled and shrugged). She repeated this conversation several times. Gretchen


3V0787.01 Knock-knock variations (3/19/80) Sitting with Peggy and Miriam after dinner. somehow the phrase knock knock came up.. M&P: Knock knock M: knock knock P: Who’s there ? M. Tim P: Tim who ? (the first time I heard her make the appropriate response at this point) M. Timber ! – a second go: M. …

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3V0785.04 Me dumb dog — a joke by Peggy (3/17/80) Gretchen was getting Robby from scouts. I was in bed early. Miriam put Peggy in her crib because she would not watch TV with her. Peggy was most unhappy. I rose from bed, rescued her, and we crawled under the covers together. After a little …

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3V0785.03 Letters in cards (3/17/80) The “school desk” set I gave Peggy in P112 (or P111) has card board cards as part. These cards have cut outs for letter insertion for the letters in the names of objects printed on them. Peggy has been fitting letters into those slots. 3/22/80 Peggy has been fitting the …

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3V0785.02 Girl go in moto-cycle (3/17/80) This refers to the Fisher Price doll in a motor cycle.)


3V0785.01 New toys (3/17/80) Peggy discovered the rest of the set of stacking cups, neatly stacked. She carefully separated then, setting them down in an irregular row. Then she put them back into a stack, apparently in random order so that some nested and others did not. She repeated the taking apart and re-stacking. The …

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