3V0131.01 Peggy’s technique for eating cereal (a problem solved) (6/02/78)
Yesterday I observed Peggy had a fully developed technique for coping with her cereal. She sat in her chair with a fist in her mouth. when a spoonful of cereal approached, she removed her hand, keeping her mouth open wide until the food was inside. She then closed her mouth somewhat and inserted a few fingers. Sucking on the fingers performed the double function of drawing the cereal into her mouth and preventing its being pushed out by the actions of her tongue. She followed this routine until all the cereal was gone.
Two days ago, in the evening, I was nursing Peggy. At one point (after the shift from one side to the other) she was lying cradled in my arms, upper arm plucking at my clothes, blissfully sucking, but not on me ! She had all the fingers of her under-arm-hand in her mouth and seemed perfectly content.