Peggy Study, Panel P143 Themes: Reading to Peggy, Exploring the Stuff of the Environment, Peggy’s Play Themes Source: (Lawler); date: 10/20/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show the extent to which Peggy determined our activities and her willingness to participate in them. P143A1 GPL Reads, Colors, 20mb P143A2 GPL Reads, Colors, 18mb P143B Peggy’s Horse, …
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Peggy Study, Panel P142 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 10/12/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P142A1 Reading with Rob, 8mb P142A2 Reading with Rob, 19mb P142B Stormy Weather, 18mb P142C1 Standard Objects, 26mb P142C2 Standard Objects, 26mb P142C3 Standard Objects, 23mb P142D1 Colored Blocks, 17mb …
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Peggy Study, Panel P141 Themes: Social Interaction Development, Vocal Communication, Object Exploration Source: (Lawler); date: 10/6/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show language development, social interactions and toys used in negotiating relationships P141A1 Play with Toys, Miriam, 24mb P141A2 Play with Toys, Miriam, 23mb P141B Summary, Lost Data, 6mb P141C1 Standard Objects, 6mb P141C2 Standard …
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Peggy Study, Panel P140 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 9/28/1980 Title: Text commentary: some lost frames suggest recording head problems at tape start; stopped later. P140A Materials Choice, 7mb P140B1 Colored Blocks, 24mb P140B2 Colored Blocks, 25mb P140C1 Standard Objects, 15mb P140C2 Standard Objects, 15mb P140D Reading Book Words, 17mb …
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Peggy Study, Panel P139 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Reading Source: (Lawler); date: 9/21/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show language development, object exploration and understanding when read to. P139A1 Library Books, 26mb P139A2 Library Books, 25mb P139B1 Legos Play, 23mb P139B2 Legos Play, 22mb P139B3 Legos Play, 20mb P139C1 Standard Objects, 18mb P139C2 Standard …
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Peggy Study, Panel P138 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 9/14/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P138A1 Standard Objects, 21mb P138A2 Standard Objects, 23mb P138A3 Standard Objects, 23mb P138B1 Legos and Toy People, 24mb P138B2 Legos and Toy People, 23mb P138C Toy People and Talk, 22mb …
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Peggy Study, Panel P137 Themes: Legos, Colored Blocks, Standard Objects Source: (Lawler); date: 9/7/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show integration of objects and toy-people play; introduction of a new toy (colored blocks); sound augmented 33% P137A1 Legos & Toy People, 17mb P137A2 Legos & Toy People, 30mb P137B1 Colored Blocks, 29mb P137B2 Colored Blocks, …
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Peggy Study, Panel P136 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 8/31/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P136A1 Legos and Toy People, 20mb P136A2 Legos and Toy People, 18mb P136B1 Letters Desk, 20mb P136B2 Letters Desk, 24mb P136B3 Letters Desk, 19mb P136C1 Standard Objects, 25mb P136C2 Standard …
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Peggy Study, Panel P135 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 8/24/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P135A1 Toy People and Legos, 23mb P135A2 Toy People and Legos, 27mb P135B1 Toy People and Legos, with Miriam, 16mb P135B2 Toy People and Legos, with Miriam, 22mb P135C1 Standard …
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Peggy Study, Panel P134 Themes: Language Development, Social Interactions, Object Exploration Source: (Lawler); date: 8/17/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Peggy expressing what she wants to do verbally and expressing how she feels physically and with language. P134A Legos and Toy People, 20mb P134B1 Reading with Bob, 9mb P134B2 Reading with Bob, 28mb P134C …
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Peggy Study, Panel P132 Themes: See “Ecological Psychology,” “Midwest and Its Children,” and “One Boy’s Day.” Source: (Lawler); date: 8/3/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show it is hard to produce order in episodes from the chaos of everyday negotiated interactions.Barker and Wright would not be surprised. P132A Pre-Experiment, 11mb P132B (Not) Reading Little Black, …
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Peggy Study, Panel P131 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 7/27/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P131A Talk with Cameraman, 15mb P131B1 Toy People & Coins, 23mb P131B2 Toy People & Blocks, 20mb P131B3 Toy People & Objects, 12mb P131C1 Blocks, 17mb P131C2 Blocks, 13mb P131D …
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3V1004.02 Horse and Cash register as typewriter (10/20/80) Peggy has delighted in the rocking horse at the Hole in The Wall. Robby found and bought her one at a local tag sale. Peggy is ecstatic ! Miriam found her a cash register, battery operated. We cleaned up the corrosion, put in new batteries and “Voila!” …
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3V1004.01 Role Reversal: reading to others (10/20/80) Bringing some wood inside, I nearly tripped over Scurry at the porch door. Continuing on, I came close to Peggy also, who censured me “Don’t step on me, Daddy. Don’t step on Scurry. She’s a good kid, too.” Scurry is Peggy’s most accessible playmate (and the only controllable …
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3V1001.01 Letter names: beyond those important as people symbols (10/17/80) I gave Peggy the small coffee table for her use as a desk, put her puzzles there and a pile of paper from which she takes pieces to scribble on. She did so today. When first drawing, she would bring me her papers and ask …
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3V0997.01 Lost in the woods: a bad scare for all of us (10/13/80) While Gretchen and I cut and hauled wood outback, Robby and Peggy went into the basement to watch TV. A short time later, I went to the front of the house to saw some sticks remaining from a brush pile. Knocking on …
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3V0996.01 Using incomprehensible numbers: “Eighty” (10/12/80) Miriam reported that Peggy was counting with such high numbers. I recall Miriam saying that Peggy said things like “85, 86” and so forth but have little confidence in that. See note of 10/27/80 on Counting Jumping Jacks.
3V0995.01 Excuses and implausible threats (10/11/80) Peggy begins now to more frequently offer excuses (as her siblings do all too often) and even makes threats. She sometimes neglects to empty her potty into the toilet after shitting. I urged her to do so today. as she sat on the floor, playing with a bare foot. …
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3V0990.01 Non-standard word order (10/6/80) Peggy still calls “where you are?” when looking for me. I have also heard her say “where it is?” when looking for a given object. Gretchen
3V0984.01 Weak verb ending back formation: “leaved” (10/2/80) “I took it off and leaved it there.” Gretchen.
3V0981.02 Talking about places: complexity of Peggy’s interpretive situation (9/29/80) Miriam recorded this dialogue about Peggy’s new toy Bunny: Peggy: I got my Bunny at the book store. Miriam: No. You got it at the Hole in the Wall. Peggy: Where the book shop ? Miriam: Near the Hole in the Wall. Peggy: I thought …
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3V0981.01 Meta-linguistic knowledge: “I can’t read words” (9/29/80) Peggy clambered onto my bed where I lay reading — then got down to get a Tintin to read to me. She said, after propping it open and most unhappily, “I can’t read words.” I comforted her, “You have to learn how to do that sweety. It’s …
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3V0978.01 BANG vs. RING: limits of word recognition (9/26/80) Peggy has been able to identify as “BANG” the word in “The Calculus Affair” when it appears in a yellow cloud of color. She did not (in P140 in 9/29/80) distinguish it from the word “CRACK” so displayed (although she may have done so earlier, (cf. …
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3V0977.01 Reading words to Peggy: unintended instruction Peggy has been lately enjoying Richard Scary’s “Best Word Book Ever.” She brought it to me today and asked me to read her the words (in a general sense) “Read these words?” I read the title, etc. then began to read the labels accompanying objects on the cover. …
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3V0975.01 Reading to herself (9/23/80) Peggy has been doing this for quite some time — usually when others are occupied otherwise. Today, in P139, I got her to read to me (which she would never do before). Her “reading” has seemed a reconstruction of recalled dialogue and text mixed with observations of the pictures (or …
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3V0974.01 The Pig in the book: what does Peggy mean by what she says? (9/22/80) Peggy was playing with her “happy family” (her Fischer price dolls). I mentioned she had other animals besides the dogs. There was a chicken and, somewhere, a black pig. Peggy pointed to a Richard Scary book and asked, “Can I …
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3V0973.02 Letters and Counting (9/21/80) Peggy played with a puzzle, a square 4x with 15 movable slabs in it, each with a number on it from 1 to 15. I asked Peggy what she played with and, when she said it was a present from Robby, asked by pointing to the numbers, “What are those …
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3V0973.01 “I found another Mommy-letter” (9/21/80) So Peggy exclaimed, sitting on the piano bench as she held up a letter “C” she found. (Of course, she means it is a “G” which I once told her was the first letter of Gretchen’s name. I can’t escape the strength with which such a simple comment permitted …
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3V0972.01 At the Guilford Fair (9/20/80) Five times on the Merry Go Round, everyone a delight for her. Whenever we passed by without riding, Peggy broke out in tears and collapsed or sulked. We did manage to walk about a bit — with a tear in the eye and a hand in the mouth — …
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3V0971.01 In my lap: repertoire of three character scripts (9/19/80) I have tried to dissuade Peggy from reading all the time. So more lately, she has climbed into my lap with friends, the small bear, the pink panther, “Aroot” her elephant, and the horse Miriam received when she was in the hospital. The animals have …
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3V0970.01 Singing: expression, not communication (9/18/80) Peggy has long seemed the most musically inclined of our children. Recently we find her singing to herself very frequently. The songs are unstructured but do mix changes of pitch and duration with words – – Gretchen laughed to hear her sing “Daddy is a dum-dum,” (the older children’s …
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3V0965.01 BANG and RING: extending word knowledge (9/13/80) Peggy can recognize these two words as distinct. She clambered onto my bed this evening, asking me to read her a Tintin story. We came, inter alia, across several “bangs” to which Peggy remarked, “That say, ‘BANG’.” As we read on, we came to a picture of …
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3V0961.01 An old joke, naturally arising – the “wrong feet”: (9/9/80) Peggy was putting on her shoes for herself. As she began to put one on, I said, “Peggy, you’re putting your shoes on the wrong feet.” She came back with the classic remark, “These are my feet.”
3V0956.02 Odd turns of speech: (9/4/80) Driving along Goose Lane, Peggy looked for cows in the fields but none were there, She explained that maybe they were in the barn, asleep. “Soon they will be wake upping, They will have some food.” Later on in the day she remarked. “We saw ducks to the water.” …
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3V0956.01 Meaning more than she can say (9/4/80) This note documents an incident more remarkable for what Peggy failed to say that for what she did say: While I was off in Boston, Miriam had been sitting in my arm chair (one from which I shoo the children whenever I want to sit there.) It …
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3V0960.01 Tracing letters (8/29/80) Peggy’s set of magnetic letters comes with cards for inserting them into to spell the names of pictured objects. Peggy has been using them differently, as I first saw her doing while she played with Miriam. Peggy traces/scribbles inside the letter outlines of the card. I asked what she was doing. …
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3V0949.02 five page-long list of books read to Peg in March: should be inserted at 3/4 date Date Reader Action Book 3/4 Miriam read Little Black, a pony 3/4 Miriam look Know Your Scotch Terrier 3/4 Gretchen read Little Black 3/4 Gretchen look Know your Scotch Terrier 3/5 Gretchen read Winnie the Pooh (half story …
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3V0949.01 Roles involving three people: (correcting me about Gretchen) (8/28/80) I no longer recall the detail of this incident. What is important is development of the role-expansion theme from two to three characters. Note that Peggy only has trouble with the third person possessive pronouns (and adjective also). She has trouble — as will be …
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3V0944.01 Blue Moon: Color names: for Peggy “blue” means white, color of eye- ball (8/23/80) A month ago I put the MG on insurance and began driving down town in it. Feeling I spend too little time with Peggy, I’ve been going out of my way to do so. A favorite after supper activity has …
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3V0942.02 Counting letters: social context of alphabet learning (8/21/80) So Peggy names her playing with them — and she frequently asks some one to do that with her. She apparently has in mind companionship alone and precious little else. Since the only thing she does with letters are: 1. identify individuals; 2. scatter them around; …
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3V0942.01 If “P” means Peggy, what is “eggy” ? (8/21/80) Peggy has been writing a lot lately. She frequently asks me to write “Peggy Lawler” on the pages before she does anything else. It has been my custom to write “PEGGY” at the top and “LAWLER” in the middle. She has come to accept that …
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3V0941.01 “I taller him”: words and intonations (8/20/80) Peggy plays with the Fisher Price dolls, directing them and speaking for them. Peggy used the comparative appropriately in speaking for “Daddy” but more than that as well. She put on a very deep gruff voice — of the same sort she uses to boss about the …
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3V0940.02 Left and right: convincing discrimination (8/19/80; 8/28/80) 8/28: Bob: Gretchen reports that a few days ago, Peggy came to her crying. When asked what was wrong, Peggy answered, “I hurt my left leg.” When Gretchen asked her to show Mommy the hurt place, Peggy pointed to her left leg. A short time ago, Peggy …
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3V0940.01 GSB : letters as symbols for people: “This say Mommy, Scurry, Daddy” ( 8/19/80) We have a key ring about the house from the Guilford Savings Bank. Peggy brought it to me today and explained to me, “This says Mommy, Scurry, Daddy.” She has been told that this first letter begins the name Gretchen, …
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3V0938.01 My-best-friend: early phrases as unstructured idioms; early variations: (8/17/80) How many words is this utterance ? How fluid or viscous are the relations of parts and the whole ? Playing down at Jacob’s Beach, Peggy used this phrase to refer to ANY child she met there of her size. (She has originally used it …
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3V0935.05 Knock-knock: “timber” precedes “timber who?” When she finished supper early, Peggy gets down from her high chair but often hangs around the table. This evening she crawled under and played by herself. Miriam asked, “Knock knock.: and Gretchen and Robby together answered “Who’s there?” Miriam answered “Tim.” A small but positive voice from under …
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3V0935.04 Metalinguistic knowledge: “‘belongs’, I know that word” (8/14/80) Peggy inquired at one point why something was where I had put it. I said, “Because it belongs there.” Peggy responded, “Belongs… I know that word.”
3V0935.03 Growing big to be a daddy (8/14/80) A few weeks ago Peggy mentioned she would grow big to be a Daddy. I agreed she would grow big but that she would grow big like a Mommy because she was a girl, would not grow big like a Daddy. Later, she indicated a preference for …
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3V0935.02 Time: “Tomorrow went BOOP; Mimi did it.” (8/14/80) With my irregular schedule, days are much like one another. There is no daily grinds for me and no unusual weekend for Peggy; unusual in Daddy’s being home. Today and yesterday are not words I’ve heard her use. She does know that “tomorrow” is a time …
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