Peggy Study, Panel P046 Themes: Social Interactions, Object Exploration, Physical Development Source: (Lawler); date: Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P46A1 Box with Blocks, 11mb P46A2 Box with Blocks, 24mb P46B Playing Ball with Miriam, 6mb P46C Walking with a Table, 10mb P46D1 Nesting Boxes, 17mb P46D2 Nesting Boxes, 14mb P46E1 …
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3V0327.03 Trapped fingers bug manifest again (12/15/78) BLOCK BOX TRAP — Playing on the bedroom floor just now, Peggy got two fingers trapped in the [block] box. She could not get them free because she was leaning on the lid with the other hand. This has happened to her a number of times over the …
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3V0327.02 Helen Keller as archetype (12/15/78) Helen Keller situation as extreme exemplar of every infant’s plight.
3V0327.01 Imitation game, Gretchen and Peggy. (12/15/78) IMITATION GAME — Several days ago Peggy and I were playing a familiar game as she sat in her high chair. Peggy would beat on the tray with the flat of her palm somewhere between two and seven times, then wait for me to repeat what she had …
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