
P18C1: with Cloths, 5mb

P18C1 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/17/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Bob: There you go.
GPL: Just put them down? {B: Yeah}…
Bob: And we’re interested in seeing what Peggy does. [Peggy flails with left hand on the surface; to draw the cloth to her]
Peggy: “Haagh”, ( hairgh, /h–gh/ )
Bob: Oh, So she dropped it?
Mom: No, she She’s still holding on to it, but it’s down. She’s holding it down. She still has it clenched in her hand… it comes.[Peggy reaches for and grasps the white cloth with right hand, draws it to her mouth] {P: “Haagh”}… [about Peggy’s left hand] She unfolded her fist and looked at it and then grasped the cloth again.
Episode B: Bob: Well, Well, maybe since she’s pulled them both off of this table, we’ll just take the table out of the way.
Bob: There it goes. [colored cloth drops out of reach]
Mom: Shall I restore it?
Bob: No… She may be disappointed, but I don’t think it will break her heart since she has something in the other hand. It would be interesting to see when that occurs to her. [while reaching, opening and closing her left hand, she begins the same with her right hand]… Now she’s let go of both.
Mom: She still has her eye on this one… Well, the other one is still within reach…
Episode C: Bob: It looks like Peggy’s a little curious about the camera because I’m changing it. [dogs barking offstage] Well, I think we’ve come to an impasse. Let’s stop now and see how she likes the other two.
Episode D:
Link Index Panel P018, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions