
P26A3: Using Her Spoon, 14mb

P26A3 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/21/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Bob: Let’s see what she wants to do with that spoon.
Mom: Losing under my knee? She wants to do the same old thing, pick it up and put it in her mouth. Is that right?
Bob: Where was that dropped? Was it still within her sight?
Mom: Yes, she dropped it on my foot…
Episode B: Peggy: [Peggy’s extended handling and mouthing the spoon]
Mom: Did it taste good?
Peggy: [places spoon in contact with foot, then rubs her other foot, finally leaning down to mouth the spoon in contact with her foot]
Mom: Ooo. Way over!
Peggy: [sitting up, she moves fist and spoon behind her head; bringing it back, she hurts herself]
Bob: She jabbed herself?
Mom: She jabbed herself from the small. {P: starts to cry}
Episode C: Bob: Well, why don’t you give her the wash cloth to play with then? My goodness, we don’t want her to hurt herself.
Mom: Come on [removing spoon]. Here, remember this? (wash cloth, received with little enthusiasm) Or isn’t it so much fun if it’s not soggy?
Peggy: [pushes aside the cloth and turns to the mirror]
Bob: What’s the matter, Peg? Oh, you want to play with that other baby again, huh? Oh, my…
Peggy: [returned to Mom’s lap, she retrieves and mouths the cloth, turns to Bob and says “ehn”]
Bob: Hi, Peggy.
Episode D: Bob: I guess she’s not going to play Peekaboo all on her own this time. {Mom: No, I guess not} just making faces as that other baby in the mirror again. Let’s stop here for a while.
Episode E:
Link Index Panel P026, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions