
P18C3: Objects of the Table 25mb

P18C3 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/18/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Bob: Hold on, Peggy. Be of good cheer. We have things here to play with. We don’t know what’s going to happen with them or what you’re going to do.
Bob: Let’s see if we can keep them close by. The balls gonna roll off. Put the balls in things like that. Close enough for you to reach if you want…. [is Peggy trying to pull the surface towards her, as she did with cloths?]… [she moves the ring with ping-pong ball in it]… [Is she trying to bring her face down to the objects or the table itself?]… Oh.
Bob: When she’s reaching out, although it’s hard to see on the camera, it looks as though she’s reaching out with her mouth open, as though she’s trying to get her head down on the things. Yeah, she is… That’s okay, Peggy. Don’t worry about it.
Episode B: Mom: [As one cup rolls off the table] There it goes… [Bob returns it]… [a second cup rolls off the table] {Peggy: picks up larger cup and briefly mouths it, then vocalizes}
Bob: [returns second cup] What’s that, sweetie?
Mom: She actually picked up the yellow and was chewing on it for a brief instant while you were down on your hands and knees…
Bob: There she goes, reaching out with her mouth again…
Episode C: Bob: Maybe we have too many things. Let me take away these cups and see if she’s interested in the sticks at all… Well, maybe if she wants to pick up the rings, that’s perfectly fine, too. It’s going to be so hard. [The small ring and white ball fall off table]
Bob: She’s doing fine. I think she’s trying to pick up that. Whoops… Sounds like a squall coming on… Having a problem, sweetie? Well, let’s stop right here.{P: lets out a small wail} Oh, okay. Let’s get one big cry. Ready? Oh, it must be very frustrating for some reason. [break in recording] Oh, she got the ball now, too. She had the ball…
Episode D: Bob: That’s funny. She’s got it [the long rod] in her hand. It looks as though she wants to get the end in her mouth. There, she almost got the end…[and almost poked it in her eye] Well, that’s to be expected… You stop the experiment, and then she starts.
Episode E:
Link Index Panel P018, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions