
P26A2: Mirror-Baby, 13mb

P26A2 Clip Notes
The course of our “experiments”, as this one shows explicitly, were determined less by our plans than by Peggy’s interest in the opportunities afforded her by the concrete context in which we engaged her.

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/21/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Peggy: [bumps her head on the mirror]
Bob: Why don’t you give her the spoon first? And after she plays with the spoon for a while, give her the other things.
Mom: She’s working on playing with that baby in the mirror.
Bob: Well, she didn’t react very strongly when she played with Adam yesterday, did she? She didn’t play with him at all.
Mom: No. She looked at him curiously once or twice.
Episode B: Mom: That’s me. That’s my knee.
Peggy: [bumps her head on the mirror]
Mom: Can you see her step back and blink?
Bob: Banging heads with that other baby, huh, Peggy?
Mom: And then she, she pulled back a little blinked and surprised.
Bob: This reminds me of that that scene from the Marx Brothers movie (“Duck Soup”, famous mirror scene)…
Episode C: Mom: [to Peggy] What do you think about that thing?
Mom: Is that a good thing?
Peggy: [delighted interactions, no words]
Mom: The boy is hitting your head.
Bob: Does it look as though she’s trying to communicate with the other baby, anyway, at all?
Peggy: I don’t know.
Mom: It looks as though she’s trying to get through, trying to catch, but she seems to be…
Peggy: [bumps her head on the mirror] {Mom: Oh, wow}
Mom: She seems to be amused by the fact that the other baby is doing exactly the same thing.
Bob: Including the head banging.
Episode D: Can you distract her from that game? Because it looks as though she’s going to cry if she bangs her head anymore. Turn her around this way.
Episode E:
Link Index Panel P026, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions