P072B1 Clip Notes
Notes:n:nn | by Analyst, 2/5/2025 |
Setting,Props | Cedar Hall, Family Room: |
Actors,Aims | Peggy and Bob, Scurry; Mom on camera. |
Episode A: | Bob: The board’s in the back. You can take one out if the angle is too great towards the foot. Is the camera going? [Peggy picks up yard stick] Mom: Yeah. Bob: What’s going on, Peg? [P. slides it on floor] Are you going to torture that poor dog? Poor dog. Back, back [unclear word] [Scurry hides behind Bob’s legs] no, no. Bob: [petting her] Good dog. You’re looking for protection, hmmm? |
Episode B: | Peggy [charges with yardstick] Bob: Oh, goodness, she’s coming after me. Peggy [laughs, steps back.] Peggy: (unclear) “Look?” Bob: what? Peggy: [charges with yardstick] Peggy: (unclear; “sit?”) Bob: What?… What? What did you say to me? Mom: I wouldn’t be surprised if she said, Bang, bang. Bob: I would. |
Episode C: | Peggy: [hits Bob twice] Bob: Ouch….Ouch. Peggy: [hits box] Nonverbal exclamations. (NVEs) Bob: What’d you do? Ouch…. Ouch. Mom: That’ll teach you to ask stupid questions. Peggy: [falls] Bob: It’s a good thing you survived that….That was a pretty bad fall…. I’m glad that you’re doing so well. Bob: It’s great when you can be talked out of distress. |
Episode D: | Peggy [approaches Scurry] Bob: Hey, don’t hurt the Poochy….She’s a good dog. Peggy: [repeated playful hits, responses ] Ouch… Ouch… Ouch… Mom: Did you think this was a variant on the toe tickle? |
Episode E: | Bob: [loud] Ouch!…Did I scare you?…You’re still a good girl, even though it’s getting to be a rough game. Peggy: [exit] Bob: Where are you going, Peg? Mom: That’s the most depressed-looking dog. Bob: You’re feeling depressed, Scurry? [Peg strikes Mom] Bob: Take that, Gretchen. Mom: Ouch. |
Episode F: | Bob: Come here, Peggy. Peggy: NVE…. [hits Bob] “that.” Bob: what about that? Bob: [loud] Ouch! Bob: It’s okay… I was only joking…. It didn’t hurt that much. I think you need a hanky. Would you like to have a hanky? Peggy [tries to use handerkerchief] Bob: Pretty good… Ouch… Bob [gets hanky] Let me help. |
Episode G: | Peggy: That. Bob: What about that?… What about that? [B: pointing at Scurry] Who’s that?’… Who’s that?… [Peggy pets Scurry] Bob: That’s a good dog, isn’t it? Peggy: NVE… That. [pointing? touching the sofa?] Bob: What about that? Peggy: NVE Bob: Whoa, you’re coming up? Peggy: [clambering onto sofa] NVE Bob: Got a problem?… Here, let me help. [Peggy settles in beside him]… NVEs Bob: [bouncing Peggy on sofa] Glad to have you for company Bob: [NVEs, bouncing Peggy] |
Episode H: | |
Link Index |
Panel P072, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions |
Themes, Interplay |