
The Microgenetic Analysis of Early Learning in Language and Spatial Cognition

This is the project I returned to in 2008. This website is the first fruit of the new effort.

This propopsal to the DLS of the NSF was not funded, in part because the administrative structure was too cumbersome. The division of labor was straight forward. Lawler would do the corpus analysis. Minsky would be the most immediate adviser and a participant as a co-PI. Ted Selker agreed to be the Media Lab responsible person, which was made necessary by Minsky’s having accepted Emeritus status. Sheldon White and Jacques VonEche were willing and capable to be advisers on traditional academic and Piagetian psychologies. I have kept Minsky informed of my slow but steady progress. That is not possible for professors White and VonEche.

NSFproposal,2003 The Microgenetic Analysis of Early Learning in Language and Spatial Cognition. (14pp.)

NSFsummary,2003 Statement of the Objectives, Methods, and Intellectual Merit of the activities. (1p.)

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