Construction of Themes: Early Papers:
These early papers are not presented as “the right way” to build interpretations from data. They are examples of what I’ve done and how my published papers came to be what they are. The extensions of introduction and conclusions in “Making Jokes” shows a stable core with a modestly developing interpretation. The changes to “Introduction to Writing” show compression in selection of examples. The Tic Tac Toe studies show gradual development of ideas for interpretation.
When facing a daunting task…
Presenting these sequences of papers makes an argument. It is important to get started and do your (inadequate?) best, then later, do better. Why was “Making Jokes and Learning” the first paper of The Intimate Study? It is important to enjoy your work: I thought the issues were serious, and I found the material hilarious — so it did not matter to me that the paper was not published for twenty years. It was a very good start… and that paper remains one I offer to interested people outside the field or to those whose commitment is a lot less intense than my own. It shows “where I’m coming from” and “where all this is going.”
LC2cO1 Making Jokes and Learning original typescript (10-12pp.)
LC2bA0 Making Jokes and Learning published version (1989)
One Child’s Learning: Composition (Introduction to Writing)
LC2cO2 Introduction to Writing with a Computer: SIGCUE version (12pp.)
LC2cO3 Introduction to Writing with a Computer: Logo Working Draft (27pp.)
One Child’s Learning: Number’s Applications (Vertical Form Addition & Place Value)
LC2cO4 Learning to Add: transcripts from session at Home and at Logo (~200pp) NAY
LC2cO5 One Child’s Learning: Addition (195pp) NAY
LC2cO7 Tic Tac Toe Vignettes a collection
LC2cO8 One Child’s Learning: TicTacToe (Puzzzles) (16pp)
LC2cO9 One Child’s Learning: TicTacToe (44pp typescript)
LC2c10 The Articulation of Complimentary Roles: in Computer Experience and Cognitive Development
One Child’s Learning: Programming Structures AND One Child’s Learning: Combinations (NAY)
LC2bA3 The Equilibration of Cognitive Structures: in Computer Experience and Cognitive Development
One Child’s Learning: Two Geometries (NAY)
LC2bA5 Cognitive Organization: in Computer Experience and Cognitive Development